
Information about upcoming Los Metates Studios productions will be posted here. Keep an eye on this page for the latest updates as new LMS productions get closer to release! In addition, check out our AUDITIONS page for more information about auditioning for upcoming LMS productions.

The Nine Mile Escape

A new action drama from Los Metates Studios, The Nine Mile Escape tells the story of a former prison guard and two deep-cover operatives who must band together to help a young girl escape across nine miles of enemy territory. Expected release: October 28, 2020.

Work in Progress

A comedy written by and starring Seriah Getty (playing four characters!), Work in Progress is a quirky new short film about the challenges of being a writer. Expected release: fall 2020.


Wounded is the Los Metates entry in the 2020 Albuquerque 48 Hour Film Project, and it tells the darkly comedic story of a pair of assassins who face unexpected difficulties from the woman they were hired to kill – all filmed in one continuous, uninterrupted take! Expected release: fall 2020.


A moving new sci-fi drama from Los Metates, Charlie.exe is about two scientists who must weigh the ethics of bringing back their dead daughter in the form of an artificially intelligent robot. Expected release: early 2021.